CME Swiss AG

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Dorfstrasse 29
9248 Bichwil, Schweiz
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KME system is a universal application, helping professionals with their decision-making in choosing the right approach according to each person's individual needs. KME was designed for use in health centers as well as by private practitioners. It is a highly sensitive, new generation Spectral-Dynamic System, Improving health and quality of life. KME provides real-time definition, differentiation, and categorization of multiple processes from cellular-molecular to organ systems to whole body.

KME uses the method of spectral-dynamic compensatory adjustment, a new scientific breakthrough in physics. This method helps to harmonize vital processes and possibly reverse the course of illness.

KME helps with:

* Analysis of symptomatic pathologies and their treatments.

* Evaluation of latent diseases and prevention of their manifestations.

* Evaluation of the risk factors and functional disorders of various origins with the purpose of their prevention.

KME evaluation usually reveals wide range of pathologies, diseases, predisposition to them, as well as conditions of acquiring a particular health problem. One of the important features of KME is a detection of pre-clinical forms of diseases. It allows specialists to carry out preventive measures while significantly reducing an examination and treatment time. It is also a great tool in promotion of preventive measures in various conditions.

Unique properties of KME:

Safety - the device uses passive detection, which means detecting only naturally accruing electromagnetic field emitted by an object. It does not send active signals as is the case with ultrasonic, MR-imaging, or computer tomography, for example. KME acts only as passive antenna thus not interfering with, or altering vital processes in a person’s body.

Speed – The Spectral-Dynamic Marker of the object’s state of health is obtained within seconds.

Interference - the presence of mobile phone, computers, or electric lines are taken into consideration of the KME application then filtered out and does not influence the results of the examination.

Mobility - KME was designed for use in various environments and conditions.

Another great advantage of KME is the possibility of using compensatory adjustment to harmonize vitally important processes in the body.

This procedure is based on compensatory effect (decrease) of the pathologic activity under the influence of the inverted Spectral Dynamic signal. With such procedure it is possible to skew the balance between the negative activities of a disease and the immune system for the benefit of the latter. The impact of the protective immune system properties on the pathology is significantly magnified. As a result, properly conducted, analysis and compensatory adjustment, brings rapid improvement in the person's condition.

Based on the processed data KME software application creates a report of spectra-dynamic markers which helps the operator to establish a level of balance necessary for healthy, normal functions. The markers contain the main statistical characteristics of a particular matter. Such markers can be created for proteins, cells or their groups, for organs and their systems, for the entire body systems and processes occurring in them and for all possible diversity of objects and processes in nature. All previously scanned and entered into the corresponding database, markers become the essential part of the software application of the KME system.

KME holds the Marker Databases to carry out evaluations in the following areas:

Viruses, Bacteria, Pathogenic elements, Parasitic fungi, Parasites, Toxins, Vitamins, Micro organisms, Allergens, Nervous system, Stress, Anabolic processes, Immune System, Mental health, Allopathic medicines, Homeopathic medicines, Dietary supplements, Minerals & liquids, Organ systems

Matching of the markers obtained by KME scanning with those markers present in the database, allows for the effective comparative analysis of spectral characteristics of the investigated object. Great similarity between the markers means more accurate/definite findings in the properties of the researched object.

Such analysis helps with accurate assessment of the general state of health, and hierarchical relations between current processes.

During an examination all organ systems are simultaneously scanned for further comparative analysis. These analyses are carried out by the KME application software. The comparison of the acquired data is made to the Spectral-Dynamic Markers’ data base preloaded on the KME system. Then, with great accuracy, Spectral Dynamic Device reveals a wide range of normal or abnormal processes.

Based on the above mentioned findings, the operator of KME is able to assess the overall state of person’s health. KME makes it possible to observe important interactions in the body, what pathological processes are most active in the current moment, which etiological factors and to what extent influence the occurrence and development of diseases.

It is important to note that without determining the cause - effect relations and investigation of connections between the normal function and pathologic process, it is not possible to determine the best action plan to deal with the disease or to select the most optimum therapeutic approach.

To define these hierarchical processes KME application uses so called algorithmic method of dominance.

In dealing with KME system, operator works with the analysis of dynamic hierarchy of processes in the matter. To study these phenomena, the developers of KME applied mathematical formula of analysis of symmetry of groups "E". This formula was proposed by the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie and found widespread use for the analysis of dynamic properties of the stellar systems, galaxies and clusters. It is important to note that the groups "Е" are divided into hierarchical categories of increasing complexity according to their field of application.

Benefits of KME

* Significant time reduction in examination and healing.

* Promotion of preventive measures in various conditions.

* Improvement of healing efficiency due to the higher degree of personalization in choosing of effective remedies.

* Improvement in the quality and capacity of disease preventive surveys in various population groups.

KME is a highly sensitive, new generation Spectral-Dynamic Device, Improving health and quality of life.

Summary of the advantages of KME System

Developed in Switzerland.
Approved as a medical device class I in Europe. Safe for users and clients.
Excellent quality.
Easy to learn and use intuitive software
Database, is expandable and customizable
Database with more than 150,000 markers - information signals in more than 3,000 groups and subgroups
Automatic analysis (auto-algorithms) and combination of markers among themselves ; this will generated an infinite number of information signals.
Inclusion of the causality chain hierarchy in the auto-analysis. This provides more accurate results and clear distinctions.
Holistic analysis aid.
Testing of different objects in relations to effect on the person’s health.
Suggesting the appropriate therapy on the individual bases.
Environmental analysis
Could be used in the fields of veterinary for animal testing.
There will be no artificial electrical current passes through the body of the alkalized object.
No electromagnetic oscillations.
KME uses naturally accruing, emitted by organic object, minute background electric fields.
KME Compensation method.
Installation guide.
Basic and advanced training.
Training on topics.
Training webinars and individual training sessions over the internet.
Additional tablets for the clients to simplify the analysis.
Comprehensive payment plans.
Online accounts to choose different modules for users.
Clinically tested and proved.
DISCLAIMER: The KME is an alternative or complementary practice to healing services licensed by the local authorities. It does not replace a proper doctor consultation.

Dorfstrasse 29 Bichwil

09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Soziale Medien

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